Wild Horse Fire Brigade Award for Volunteer Team’s Wild Horse Music Video A music video created by a collective of wild horse advocates won its category at the Equus Film and Arts Festival.
Newsletter Restoring Biodiversity - 11/26/2024 An opportunity to solve the wild horse problem. Desert Bighorn, Mule Deer and Cougar in high desert mountains of far-west Texas. And more...
Wild Horse Problem The Wild Horses of Nevada's Deserts "We spend millions of dollars a year managing horses, but we still can’t agree on whether they belong."
Wild Horse Fire Brigade Siskiyou News: Wildlife Conservationist Nominated for BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program William E. Simpson II, a seasoned ethologist and conservationist, has been nominated for the position or Director of the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse & Burro Program, with the position set to open in January 2025.
Wild Horses Horse Roundups! Can They be Stopped With 'Fertility Control'? The debate about wild horses becomes easier when approached holistically.
"Invasion Biology" A Few Pretty Horses: BLM, Critics Butt Heads Over Idaho Mustang Management Horses aren’t an invasive species, they say, just a re-introduced one.
Bio-Diversity A Wild Idea to Solve the Wild Horse Problem Subsidizing wild horse and burro adoption would slash costs to taxpayers and be more humane to the animals. NOTE: this article was originally published to PERC.org on December 8, 209. It was written by Hannah Downey and Tate Watkins. If you can’t drag them away, can you pay