The Circle Ranch Herd Moving to New Pasture
The WMA’s and the Big Bend National Park, are under total rest and drastic removal regimes intended to ‘protect’ the land and plants from overuse by animals, and the animals from ‘competition’.

According to the Authors and Sponsors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer, running cattle according to the principles of Holistic Planned Grazing, as shown here, in large numbers, for very short times in any place, followed by very long recovery periods in which there is no grazing, harms plants and water function. This reflects the conventional range and wildlife view that ranges must be protected from trampling by large numbers of animals. Every WMA Management Plan, including elk removals underway at Department properties, and proposed at Big Bend National Park, rest on the foundation of these beliefs. So, the WMA’s and the Big Bend National Park, are under total rest and drastic removal regimes intended to ‘protect’ the land and plants from overuse by animals, and the animals from ‘competition’.
In fact, large numbers of animals can help habitats as explained in this short video:
What is the best tool for restoring damaged ranges?
Are large animal numbers good or bad, and why or why not? Isn’t the brush encroachment seen across the desert Southwest caused by too many animals, and best addressed by rest?
Here is Allan Savory on this:
Then what is ‘overgrazing’? Here is Allan Savory on this:
Is total rest good for our deserts or bad for them? To lessen the danger of brush/creosote encroachment, shouldn’t we reduce animal numbers? Here is Allan Savory on this:
Does this hurt water function? Allan Savory on this:
What about competition between animals? Allan again: