Cattle Holistic Management vs Conventional Management: A Stark Look The footage serves as a powerful testament to the effectiveness of Holistic Management.
food supply Robert F. Kennedy: The Harmful Effects Of Glyphosate, The Most Common Agrochemical We’re living in an age where it’s increasingly hard to avoid exposure to toxins.
Fisheries Fishing Limit Will Increase Ahead of Lake Poisonings The war on wildlife continues, with a new front opening in Utah.
"Invasion Biology" Can Sheep Save the Planet? Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” states Allan Savory in his quiet but inspirational form.
Fisheries Salmon Farms in Patagonia Face Growing Opposition Salmon farming as practiced is rife with environmental problems, as discussed below.
habitat restoration King Charles: How Cattle Can Restore Habitat and Wildlife Prince Charles comments on Allan Savory and his integrated approach to ranching and farming, and the role ruminants for the health of grasslands.
"Invasion Biology" Holistic Management at Work Holistic management uses a long term planning process that assigns to environmental and social outcomes the same importance as profits. In addition to being particularly suited to the deserts of far-West Texas, its grazing and wildlife practices will work anywhere in the West. NOTE: this post was originally published to
"Invasion Biology" The Story of Meat Public demand for healthy, tasty food produced in a manner that respects nature is the driving force behind the growing acceptance of holistic agriculture. This 20-minute video discusses how sustainably managed livestock can help restore damaged ranch and farm lands. NOTE: this post was originally published on April 26, 2017,
"Invasion Biology" Miracle in the Nevada Desert Beaver and cattle are symbiotic. Together they can turn desert into wetlands. NOTE: this post was originally published on April 19, 2017, and then reposted on September 9, 2021
"Invasion Biology" They Shoot Owls in California, Don’t They? An audacious federal plan to protect the spotted owl would eradicate hundreds of thousands of barred owls in the coming years.
"Invasion Biology" Conserving the Legacy by Wyman Meizner The outstanding scientific discovery of the twentieth century is not television, or radio, but rather the complexity of the land organism.
"Invasion Biology" Can Beavers Restore Far-West Texas? Two so-called invasive species, cattle and beavers, have the power to restore desert habitats.
"Invasion Biology" As Tree Species Face Decline, ‘Assisted Migration’ Gains Popularity in Pacific Northwest Cutting through their environmental jargon, the invasive species plant warriors now propose massive transplanting of non-native trees to combat ‘climate change’. They call this ‘assisted migration’. Imagine how much they can spend on this! Look at this another way: because Mother Nature abhors a vacuum, empty ecological niches that open
"Invasion Biology" Earthworm Invaders “As discussed below, earthworms are invaluable to the health of many natural systems. As also discussed, virtually any earthworm found in North America belongs to a so-called “invasive species”. Not only do we live alongside thousands of invasive species: Life as we know it would be impossible without them. NOTE:
"Invasion Biology" Allan Savory and the Science of Tracking How the world’s oldest scientific method has changed everything from grazing livestock to snaring poachers
"Invasion Biology" A Plant That’s Everywhere is Fueling a Growing Risk of Wildfire Disaster As reported in this article below, the invasive plant warriors have a new enemy. Their latest villain is grass, which CNN says is an invasive, dangerous plant. The true problem is too few animals eating the grass. This is called ‘herbivory’. Many scientific studies show that wherever herbivory has collapsed,
"Invasion Biology" USDA Wildlife Services--Black Vulture, Wolf Predation “Wildlife Services” is the helpful-sounding name taken by the federal agency which has been conducting the misguided, wasteful, and counter-productive war on predators for over 120-years. The war started with bounties, but now relies on agency poison programs. At one time or another these folks have tried to kill out
"Invasion Biology" Functional Traits - Not Nativenes - Shape the Effects Of Large Mammalian Herbivores on Plant Communities For decades the assumption shared by conservation dogma and Invasive Species “Biology” has been that non-native animals – by definition – harm native habitat and plants. This belief is often used to justify the ongoing War on Wildlife. The authors of this scholarly work disagree. They say it’s what animals do,
"Invasion Biology" Biodiversity and Holistic Management These excellent thoughts on the importance of biodiversity apply to wildlife as well as agriculture. NOTE: this post was originally published to this site on November 20, 2016. And reposted again on July 1, 2021
"Invasion Biology" How We Treat Wild Horses This video was created by Wild Horse Fire Brigade, a non-profit dedicated to expanding wild horse populations in order to reduce fire hazard on public lands. They challenge viewers with this question: “Do you want to keep funding Orgs that merely show photos of what’s wrong, ad-nauseam? Or that
"Invasion Biology" Invasive Species vs. Native Species Presented below is a scholarly article on the issue of whether so-called invasive ‘exotic’ species like feral pigs, goats, buffalo, and horses, are by definition harmful to environments in which they did not evolve, or from which they disappeared – often because of human impacts including overhunting. An example is the
"Invasion Biology" Hard-To-Eradicate ‘Super Pigs’ in Canada Threaten to Invade the US Super pigs from Canada will soon be in the U.S. These animals can’t be eradicated but they can be controlled – if we allow them into the commercial food chain like any other domestic species. If not, there will soon be a northern ‘feral pig problem’. NOTE: this article
"Invasion Biology" The War on Lake Trout Lake trout, native to the Great Lakes and the boreal lakes of Canada and Alaska, were first “discovered” in Yellowstone Lake in 1994. Their appearance was likely the result of introduction from nearby Lewis or Shoshone lakes, where the fish were intentionally stocked more than 100 years ago. It is
"Invasion Biology" Drought Busters 101 : A 21-Minute Video on Desert Grassland Restoration “Drought Busters” is an inexpensive, quick, physiologically and economically sustainable method of habitat and wildlife restoration. We call it Drought Busters because it increases effective rainfall by rebuilding soil fertility and the soil’s ability to absorb and store water. This 21-minute video explains Drought Busters, and our experience on
"Invasion Biology" At the Foot of a Melting Glacier in Peru, Llamas Helped Revitalize the Land Llamas are camelids, the family of animals that also includes Bactrian and Dromedary camels, vicunas, alpacas and guanacos. These animals evolved in North America. Llamas and their ancestors were present in North America for 40 million years. Together with 80 percent of existing North American genera, llamas and their cousins