Chris Gill's Response to the Mule Deer Working Group Chris Gill to Authors And Sponsors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer In September 2009, I was in Department headquarters in Austin, when I ran into one of the Authors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer.
Desert Mule Deer Authors of Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer Below is a list of collaborators on policy and research document regarding Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer
Grazing Habitat Guidelines for Mule Deer This document was amended in 2009. It is dated 2006, but contains, for example, references to the Briske, et al. paper published in 2008.
Dr. David Briske Chris Gill to Dr. David Briske I had already read the Briske paper and realized that it tested Short Duration Grazing systems and not planned grazing.