Roads and Erosion #2 of 3: Addressing The Destructive Erosion of Substandard Ranch Roads

In the summer of 2007, Circle Ranch together with the Dixon Water Foundation, sponsored a road seminar at Circle Ranch. Attendees came from as far as the Navaho Nation in Arizona. Bill Zeedyk, noted erosion expert from Albuquerque taught our class.
Above – he is showing different road-drainage profiles.
Here we are building a ‘rolling dip’ to take water from an eroding ranch road and turn it back onto pastures. These structures are based on 30-60-90 degree triangles and take about 15 minutes to install once you get the idea.
Below, we are building a rolling structure to divert water out of a substandard county road. Note that the road is below grade and flanked on either side by windrows of rock: together these trap water in the roadbed.
Below, constructing a rolling dip. Note the down-cut wheel track on both sides of the road.
A rolling dip under construction. The brush is incidental to the function of the structure.
For a complete guide to building these, see below or click here