Restoring Biodiversity - 1/3/2022
Thanks for subscribing to the Pitchstone Waters weekly newsletter. Here is what we’ve been reading, watching and writing about this week…

Ocean Depth Comparison
In all likelihood the interaction of the ocean, and fluctuating energy output from the sun, controls global climate – including long term warming and cooling trends – aka ‘climate change’. Read More →
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Yellowstone Supervolcano Contains More Magma, New Study Finds
As discussed above, Yellowstone remains a very active volcanic caldera. It last erupted 70,000 years ago. Read More →

How an Oregon Sheep Ranch Is Carrying on the Heritage of American Wool—and Shepherding It Into the Future
As discussed below, planned, moderate rotational grazing and restricted soil disturbance on Western sheep ranches have aided the recovery of bunchgrass and fended off cheatgrass, the interior West’s most troublesome invasive species. Read More →

Stewardship with Vision — Episode 6: Moore Land & Cattle Co
Through years of carefully planned and implemented prescribed fire, Greg Moore was able to push back on juniper encroachment of grasslands on his northern New Mexico ranch and re-establish healthy grassland ecosystems for cattle and wildlife alike. He also restored wetlands on his land for the benefit of beavers and other wildlife, has released antelope on his land and is now working with state and federal agencies to reintroduce the black-footed ferret on his ranch in 2018. Read More →
And that’s it - as always thank you..
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